Memorial Day

Memorial Day

Join us for church on Sunday May 28, 2023.

NO Religious Education this week!

Memorial Day

Memorial Day remembers and honors the people of the US Military who have died while serving. Today we contemplate the stories of fallen soldiers and the military chaplains who serve them.

Two New Policies Approved

Two New Policies Approved

To HVUUC congregation: The HVUUC Board of Trustees approved the first reading of two new policies at our board meeting on May 17th. In accordance with HVUUC Policy, after the first reading is approved, the new policy must be submitted to the congregation. If anyone would like to comment on the policies, please email before the July 19th meeting. At that meeting, the board will consider all comments and a final vote will be taken on the policies (with or without changes). The two new policies are:

Facilities - Cremation Remains

HVUUC will allow disbursement of cremation remains of members and friends on HVUUC grounds with the minister’s approval and oversight. Approved First Reading: May 17th, 2023

Facilities - Flag Policy

Symbols of nationalism, including the American flag, shall not be installed on HVUUC premises (inside or outside) in accordance with the congregation vote at the 2023 Annual Congregational Meeting. Approved First Reading: May 17, 2023

Memorial Wall

Memorial Wall

Holston Valley Unitarian Universalist Church members and friends,

When we lose a member from our beloved community through death we honor their name and memory with our Memorial Wall. The Memorial Wall is located outside, to the right of the sanctuary and includes the name, year of our friend’s birth, and year of their death.

In the year 2022/2023 we memorialized three from our beloved community: Michael Jones, David Calvert and Phyllis Holmes.

If you would like the name of someone in our community that has died to be added, you can fill out the form found here.

Member’s names may be added based on their documented request or the request of their family member or community friend.

Former members and non-members names may be added with board approval based on their documented request or the request of their family or community friend.

There is no cost to request a name be added to the memorial wall; however, the cost of adding a name to the wall is about $125.00. If you wish to donate to the Memorial Wall please write ‘Memorial Wall Fund’ in the ‘memo’ line of your next donation in our community offering plate.

Dottie Blades
HVUUC Board of Trustees

More Ethical than God

More Ethical than God

Join us for church on Sunday May 21, 2023.

9:30am Religious Education, 11:00am Service

Our special music this Sunday will feature a song by musical activist Holly Near.

More Ethical Than God

Stories told about "God" or "the gods" from ancient times often present a Deity that doesn't live up to more current Humanist ethics. How can Humanist wisdom help us be better people? And can there be any value found in these ancient stories still?

Message from Outgoing President

Message from Outgoing President

Thank you for allowing me to serve as your Board President this past year. It was an opportunity to really delve into the workings of our church. I had a wonderful, energetic board who always kept the needs of the congregation forefront in their minds. Thanks you to all the board members!

The Congregational Meeting took a lot longer than our regular Congregational Meetings, so that by the time we were able to adjourn, I completely forgot to thank all those who worked hard to make it as seamless as possible.

Many thanks to: Deb Helmer, Tish Kashdan, Dave Kashdan, Charis Carter, Tiffany Sapp, Doug Chafin, Dottie Blades, Charlie Miller, Rosemary Kelske, Michele Markstrom-Fritch, Bryan Kleske, and Cynthia Goodman. A special Thanks to Frank Schuler who served as Parliamentarian and helped me through the finer points of Roberts Rules of Order.

Going forward, I hope to continue my service to the church in other ways.


Ann Johnson

Summer RE Begins May 21!

Summer RE Begins May 21!

Summer RE begins this week -- Sunday, May 21 and runs through August 6th.

Please note that RE classes will be combined into one class 1st grade through 12th grade. We will meet in the Fred Ball Room by the sanctuary.

Each week will be a different activity -- so far we have crafts, nature play, surgery, cooking and astronomy activities lined up! It should be a great summer of RE! Please join us when you are able.

New Member Ceremony Sunday, June 11

New Member Ceremony Sunday, June 11

We will devote a segment of the service on Sunday, June 11 to the induction and welcoming of new members. If you have taken the Path to Membership class (recently or in the past) and would like to sign the book, become a member, and participate in this ceremony, please email before June 1.. Include a three or four sentence (50 words) introduction of yourself to be read to the congregation.

For anyone who has taken the Path class and would like to join, but cannot or does not wish to participate in the New Member Ceremony, a private signing of the membership book can be arranged.

We are so pleased you have found this church. We welcome you to become a member of our congregation.

Blue Plum Volunteers Needed

Blue Plum Volunteers Needed

HVUUC will have a display at this year’s popular Blue Plum Festival at Johnson City’s King Commons on June 2 and 3. This is an all-Church opportunity to bring HVUUC visibility to the estimated 18,000 attendees. We are looking for a few folks to help organize our participation and a few more to staff our table at the festival. 

The Social Justice Committee is committed to support; however, we welcome all who can help plan and host our presence to the community.  

We are scheduling a planning session for next week. Please contact or Bob Warner to help out.

Flower Communion

Flower Communion

Join us for church on Sunday May 14, 2023.

9:30am Religious Education, 11:00am Service

We encourage you to bring flowers for this Sunday’s service! We will also be providing some flowers, as well.

Flower Communion

A widely celebrated Unitarian Universalist tradition, the flower communion is an interactive service that invites us to contemplate what we bring to our community and what we recieve from our community. Please bring a flower. It can come from the store, your garden, or even the roadside. Additional flowers will be provided so please come whether you have a flower or not.

Foster Care Awareness Month - supporting Smile Closet

Foster Care Awareness Month - supporting Smile Closet

To follow up on a great presentation Sunday April 16th about Foster Care needs in our community and how we can help... we will be helping Smile Foster Closet, in Kingsport, by collecting needed items.

Smile Foster Closet has monthly themes for donations, but all items are welcome. Suggested donations for May are gently used or new toddler clothes, and bathing suits. One area of particular need mentioned specifically by Aisha Ward was teen hair care products: brushes, scrunchies, hair ties, hair clips.

If you’d like to donate personally or just learn about what this local organization does, you can check out


Bonfire and Games, May 13th

Bonfire and Games, May 13th

Make plans to attend a bonfire and yard games event for MACHO on Saturday, May 13 at HVUUC.
We need to burn all the wood that has been collected this Spring, especially after that huge gathering on Service Sunday.

This will be a drop-in event, so stop by whenever you choose.

We'll start the fire at Noon and add wood slowly so we don't catch the place on fire. Stop time is 8 o'clock or until everyone has had enough.

You are welcome to stay all day, stay an hour or whatever.

What we will provide: regular and vegetarian hot dogs, buns and condiments.
What you need to bring:

  • chair

  • food sides/snacks to share

  • your own beverage

  • other foods to cook in the fire if you don't want hot dogs

  • *$3 to cover the supplies

We'll play yard games, musical instruments or just chew the fat while the fire burns. Please bring any games you have.

The location of the fire is a bit tricky for those with mobility issues, but rides will be available.

Please RSVP so we can get a headcount for food.

*If the money is a hardship, no problem.

Support for our friend Sarah White

Support for our friend Sarah White

Sarah White, former DRE and longtime dedicated member of our congregation, unexpectedly lost her father, David White, last Sunday. The visitation (5-7 p.m.) and service (7 p.m.) take place Friday, May 5, at Ridgeview Baptist Church, 234 Hurd Rd, in Church Hill. Sarah would appreciate HVUUC support. The The Caring Team has organized a meal train for Sarah, Eren, and Eli.

Community of Communities

Community of Communities

Join us for church on Sunday, April 30, 2023.

9:30am Religious Education, 11:00am Service

This week's Special Music features the talents of our own Charis Carter as she covers the soulful harmonies of Rising Appalachia.

Community of Communities

In a congregation of our size it is impossible to personally know everyone in our congregation, but through affinity groups, fellowship groups, covenant groups, working groups and religious education we can create an environment where meaningful connections flourish. Rev. Tiffany will reflect briefly on how these interlocking circles of small communities within the larger community can help us thrive. Come for the service and stay for the annual congregational meeting!