July and August Summer RE Events

Summer RE is in full swing. Please see the upcoming events for July and August RE.

Here is a list of Summer RE events for kids and youth grades K-12:

  • July 14 - Wildflower Seed Bombs with Peggy Wolfe and Judy Wade

  • July 21 - Wild Edible Walk with Charis Carter

  • July 28 - How to Make a Bottle Brick/Ecobrick with Catherine Pearson

  • August 4 - How to Make Pizza with Cyndi Hatch and Beth Calvert

  • August 11 - Musical Instruments out of Natural and Re-cycled Materials with Sue Cadwallader

  • August 18 - HVUUC Worship 101 with Rev. Tiffany and friends

Please come out and join us from 9:30 - 10:45 am. Most Sundays we will meet on the back covered deck of the church. For questions please contact our DRE Justin Ridley dre@hvuuc.org