UU History and Path to Membership

We have listened to your feedback and are expanding our path to membership classes from one session to two in order to give more information about Unitarian Universalist history, and polity, and what it means to be a covenental community. History, polity and covenant will all be covered in the first class by Rev. Tiffany on September 17th.

If you wish to join the church, you will need to attend both the 9/17 and 9/24 sessions. Childcare is available and a sign up sheet is on the back table in the church, or you can email membership@hvuuc.org

If you’re already a member and regret not getting a chance to cover our history, or if you’re not ready to join but are curious about what this whole Unitarian Universalism thing is about, we would welcome you to the 9/17 class.

If you wish to take just the first class but NOT the second, please let Rev. Tiffany know you're coming to the first class by emailing minister@hvuuc.org