Endowment Fund

Are you aware that HVUUC has an Endowment Fund? This is a fund which will grow over time and is intended to make payments to the church from its income. The Fund has grown to a sizable amount over its 14 years of existence. This annual contribution to the church is intended to be used for such items as enhancing the ministry of the church and subsidizing new initiatives and capital projects, as well as making major repairs. The Fund is currently contributing over $6,000 annually to HVUUC.

Members and friends are encouraged to make donations to the Fund to, for example, memorialize people within the congregation who have died or in honor of individuals who have served the church in some way. You can contribute to the Fund by placing a check in the collection basket, noting that it is for the Endowment Fund and whom you wish to honor.

If you'd like more information about the Endowment Fund, you can email endowment@hvuuc.org.