Note from the Minister

Beloved friends and members, it's been quite a year! By the time this note goes out I will have been the minister here for 11 months.  With ongoing pandemic concerns, and all the work around reopening, and the urgent-feeling need for a more just world, it has been a whirlwind!

Understanding that things will never completely "settle down" (and that I'd be bored in a job that did), I'm recognizing the need to visit more of you all at your homes or parks or on the back porch of the church.  Especially for those of you all who have been unable to join us in person.

If you would like me to swing by and see you, could you let me know by emailing, or calling the office during office hours to set up a time?


I'm so grateful to be a part of this community, and a part of the living tradition that is Unitarian Universalism.  And I'm so grateful for each of you.  As we begin to move into year 2, please let me know if you'd like a visit.


With joy and thanks,

Rev. Tiffany