Path to Membership Class

There will be a Path to Membership Class on Sunday, August 28 from 12:30-2:30 pm. Childcare will be provided. This is a class that helps those considering membership learn more about our church and the opportunities for involvement. The class does not commit you to membership, but is a necessary precursor for joining our church. It also allows you to get to know a small group of people on a more personal level.

We would like for this class to be held in-person if comfort levels and restrictions allow. To that end, this class will be limited to 8 people. If more are interested, a second class may be planned. Get your name on the list early by emailing There will also be a sign-up sheet on the side counter in the sanctuary.

Please provide the following information:

Name, email, phone, how you prefer to be contacted, and whether you will require childcare. If you require childcare, please provide the number of children and their ages.

We look forward to your participation!