Our Whole Lives 4-6th Grade Registration

4-6 Grade Our Whole Lives at HVUUC

Mandatory orientation for guardians and youth.

Aug. 6, 10 a.m.-12:30
Classes--9:30 a.m. to Noon

Aug. 21
Aug. 28
Sept. 11
Sept. 18
Sept. 25

It is important that youth attend all classes in order to receive comprehensive education.

Our Whole Lives sex ed teaches about healthy bodies, healthy relationships, and family and sexual diversity. HVUUC takes the shame and fear out of sex, menstruation, pregnancy and birth, masturbation, and conversation--and we emphasize that guardians are their kids' most important sexuality educators.

We use the Our Whole Lives (OWL) lifespan sexuality curricula, which is is used across the country in private and public schools, after-school programs, and churches. All OWL facilitators go through intensive training for each level they teach and must be certified by their trainers.

Specifically, this OWL class will help kids:

  • Strengthen and support their sense of self and self-esteem.

  • Recognize and appreciate their bodies as good and beautiful, private and their own.

  • Gain understanding and accurate, age-appropriate information about human bodies, puberty, and reproduction.

  • Develop more effective communication skills.

  • Learn to make decisions that respect themselves and others and that anticipate possible consequences.

  • Learn about healthy habits and what to do when they don't feel safe or respected.

REGISTER HERE: https://risehealthylife.betterworld.org/events/4-6-grade-our-whole-lives-at-hvu?fbclid=IwAR2hAZ1TetbKVzcKQj9f8N4746LwtZzDxM99foxYk3btkVUmcAZ3S5sWiWE&fs=e&s=cl