Our 2022 Annual Congregational Meeting will take place on Sunday, April 24, 2022at 12:00 pm on Zoom (after the Sunday service).
Register for the Zoom meeting at (this is the same link for the April 24th Sunday Service): https://zoom.us/meeting/register/tJEqcOiopj4uHNIEB72aUYO8Gsvcx54_0mzR
More information about registering and Zoom can be found on the Event announcement located here.
In accordance with our bylaws, the topics to be discussed at this meeting and the items to be voted on are being presented to the congregation 10 days prior to Annual Congregational Meeting.
Topics to be covered:
Approval of last year's meeting minutes
Approval of the Board of Trustees and Nominating Committee slate for 2022-2023
Approval of the budget for the 2022-23 fiscal year
The items to be voted on can be found below.
Minutes from the 2021 Annual Congregational Meeting:
2021 Annual Congregational Meeting Minutes
2022-23 Slate of Nominees from the Nominating Committee (previously sent out)
Ann Johnson
Vice President
Dottie Blades
Past President
David Kashdan
Michele Markstrom-Frisch (1 yr to finish Dottie’s term)
Deb Helmer
Facilities Trustee
Doug Chaffin
Membership Trustee
Cynthia Goodman
Nominating Committee:
Linda McCoy (serving a 1-yr term to replace Cynthia Goodman)
Josh Beckett (new member two-year term)
Alicia Culbertson (new member two-year term)
Continuing their board terms (not being voted on)
Stewardship: Charlie Miller
Programs Trustee: Bryan Kleske
Continuing their Nominating Committee terms (not being voted on)
Joy Boyd (chair)
Tish Kashdan
Proposed Budget for the 2022-23 Fiscal Year
If you have any questions regarding the proposed budget presented below, please contact Charlie Miller at stewardship@hvuuc.org