Sunday in Person! What you need to know.

Hello, church family! As you know, our first indoor in-person service in two years is happening this Sunday, March 13. Here are some things to know if you plan to come.


Proper, well-fitted masks worn over mouth AND nose are required for all people ages 3 and older who enter church (except a lone speaker at the podium). The website is a good resource for mask information and sources.

Mask requirements:

  • Either N95, or KN95 with NO valve.

  • OR double masking with a cloth mask over a paper surgical mask.

  • OR mask with a secondary filter.

  • NO Bandanas, neck gaiters (buffs), or masks made of porous material.

If you do not have a proper mask, you may purchase one before you enter the sanctuary.


Please talk to friends you might sit with before you show up on Sunday. The sanctuary is arranged to accommodate groups of 2, 3, 4, or 5. You will need to know in advance what size of seating unit you need in order to minimize movement and keep stress low for our ushers.


Childcare is available in the nursery only for for children 4 years old or younger.

Flow on Sunday

If you feel unwell, please stay home to take care of yourself and your church family.

When you arrive someone will take your temperature.

If you do not have an appropriate mask, you will have the opportunity to buy one.

You will let the ushers know how many are in your party and they will seat you.

Once you are seated we ask you to please remain at your seats until the service is over.

Candles of community will be lit by one person from the Caring Team.

The offering will be taken as people exit the church through the back doors.

There is no coffee/tea service, and everyone should immediately exit the building after the service.

Folx are welcome to visit with each other outside after the service, and we recommend social distancing as possible.

From Rev. Tiffany

We are taking our masking and distancing precautions very seriously. If you plan to join us for in-person services, your commitment to following these guidelines is essential to mitigate risk for everyone so this is a safe, welcoming space for as many of our congregants as possible.