UPDATED Nominees for Board of Trustees

The Nominating Committee, consisting of Joy Boyd, Cynthia Goodman, Tish Kashdan, Lance Klosterman, and Judy Tucker (Chair), began working in January to ensure the strong history of HVUUC Board Governance.

The nominees to be presented at the annual meeting on April 24, 2022 are:

Past President: Dave Kashdan
Vice President: Dottie Blades
Secretary: Michele Markstrom-Frisch (serving one year to fill in for Dottie Blades, current secretary)
Treasurer: Deb Helmer
Facilities: Doug Chaffin
Membership: Cynthia Goodman

Nominating Committee:

Joy Boyd (Chair)
Tish Kashdan ( returning member )
Linda McCoy ( serving a one-year term to
replace Cynthia Goodman)
Josh Beckett ( new member two-year term)
Alicia Culbertson (new member two-year term)

Thank you to the current Board of Trustees for working so diligently these past two years to help our church community navigate a global pandemic.