Level 2 (Medium Risk) - What to Expect

The risk assessment team is happy to announce that this Sunday we will be operating under level 2 or “medium” risk. Here is what you need to know.

Level 2 (Medium)

  • Everyone wears a mask inside on Sunday

  • Vaccinated folks don’t need to wear a mask outdoors (or indoors for small groups)

  • No temperature taking

  • Unvaccinated folks still need to socially distance

  • Colored wrist bands to indicate comfort levels

  • We can sing indoors WITH MASKS ON


Color-coded armbands will indicate your level of contact comfort.  These will reduce awkward & repeated questions about comfort levels. Choose the appropriate band as you enter, to let folks know how much close interaction you’re comfortable with.

  • Red=Maintain 6’ distance 

  • Yellow=Talking OK, no touch 

  • Green=Appropriate touch OK -- just ask.

There will be bins at the door & on the deck to deposit wristbands for cleaning after the service.

Click here to read more about Level 2.