Volunteers Needed for Reopening!


To resume in-person services, we need some cheerful volunteers. If you’re planning to join us in the sanctuary on Sunday mornings, please consider being part of the action. We need volunteers for the following activities:

  • Outdoor greeter—take touchless temperatures, make sure folks have masks & sanitize their hands, direct parents with children under 5 to Childcare

  • Indoor greeter/usher — hand out bulletins, help folks find seats, collect offering at end of service & direct folks to the deck for Social Hour

  • Video camera operator/tech — record the service, help Rev Tiffany prepare it for on-line use

  • Child Care Coordinator — help find & organize Child Care workers

  • Child Care Workers — ANY leads for these paid positions will be most appreciated!


If you’re looking forward to in-person church, & are willing to lend a hand to make that happen, please email reopeningtaskforce@hvuuc.org today. Tell us which of these activities you’d like to do—or ask questions. Details & training will be provided.