Dear Holston Valley Unitarian Universalist Church members and friends. This Sunday we announced that Sarah White, who has been our Director of Religious Education for the last seven years, will be stepping down from the position effective January 15th to pursue an opportunity with ETSU.
As we are searching for our next long-term Director of Religious Education, we want to find an interim to keep our program going. This would be a paid position, 15 hours a week or less with flexible hours, and would last as long as it takes to find our next long-term Director of Religious Education. You will get training and support from our outgoing DRE, and our minister. Members and friends of HVUUC are encouraged to apply for this INTERIM position, with the understanding that the long-term position will be sought from outside the congregation.
Contact Rev. Tiffany at to send your resume and indicate interest.
Here’s an idea of what you could be doing every week:
Check the populated RE Registration spreadsheet on a weekly basis. Update class rosters to reflect new registrations
Monitor the class schedules and make sure volunteers are in place
Communicate with volunteers (mostly email, but also text or a phone call if necessary) if you don’t have volunteers scheduled for upcoming Sunday (I like to make sure we are staffed two weeks out at minimum)
Publicize on blog and Facebook for upcoming events (by working with church office)
Share announcements in the church Facebook groups (HVUUC Families; Adult RE 2; HVUUC Religious Education)
Be present at church on Sundays (3 Sundays a month, negotiable); visit each class; connect with volunteers and families. I find it best to rotate attending RE classes. This keeps you connected with the children and their families. Ask volunteers if they have concerns or needs.
Attend weekly staff meetings with Rev Tiffany
Facilitate monthly RE Collab meetings
Send a synopsis of monthly updates to the Program Trustee
Maintain a pulse of what other churches are offering for programs and curricula. Tapestry of Faith is a great resource; google UU churches and see what they are offering
Respond to emails within 24 hours
Consider educational opportunities or trainings that RE could host for the congregation (i.e 8th Principle Workshop)
Support our Nursery workers. We have a lead nursery worker who generally manages things for them but they may occasionally need support with something
Maintain snack supply in RE (teachers like snacks that aren’t sticky and do not have nuts or peanuts)
Other duties as identified by DRE and minister to support the faith development of our community