New Covenant Group for Men

1st and 3rd Tuesdays, Feb - April

George Cross and Tom Burns are starting a new Covenant Group for anyone who identifies as a man.


Our general theme is social justice, but our process will focus on personal experiences, our own complicity in various problems, but also our evolution in awareness and change--including resistance to change--around social justice issues.


Each group meeting will explore one issue (e.g., LGBTQ, white privilege, me too, etc.). We will not engage in debate, nor attempt to raise consciousness other than indirectly--through speaking of our own personal journeys and experiences, related to these issues. In the final meeting, the group will adopt a particular social justice issue and formulate an action for the group to take to constructively address that issue.


Please email us soon if you're interested in joining the group. The group has a maximum size of 10.

Email us at: