HVUUC was blessed with multiple excellent ministerial applicants, and your Search Committee has enjoyed speaking with Unitarian Universalists all over the country as we narrowed down our choices. It has been a year full of challenges and work, learning and discernment, and now your Search Committee is happy to introduce HVUUC ministerial candidate, the Reverend Tiffany Sapp!
The next step is candidating week, April 16-25, during which every congregant will have (and should take) an opportunity to meet either virtually or in person (with masks and social distancing) with our candidate. (Schedule coming soon.) Rev. Tiffany also will provide the services on April 18 and 25.
Our Annual Meeting is April 25 (registration is required) after the service. If you are a member of HVUUC it is important for you to attend. We need a quorum to conduct the regular business of the congregation, and this year we also will vote on whether the congregation will call Rev. Tiffany to ministry at HVUUC.
The Search Committee recommends a candidate, but the congregation decides whether they will call that candidate to walk with them in the work of the church. Your presence and your vote are important.
A message from Rev. Tiffany:
Stay tuned for more announcements about the annual meeting, the candidating week schedule, and a few other bits and pieces from Rev. Tiffany.