Rev. Tiffany Sapp Called to Ministry at HVUUC!

We are delighted to announce that Rev. Tiffany Sapp was called to ministry by a unanimous vote of members at our annual meeting today, April 25, 2021. Rev. Tiffany will begin her formal service with HVUUC on August 1, 2021.

Rev. Tiffany Sapp, called to ministry at Holston Valley Unitarian Universalist Church beginning Aug. 1, 2021

Rev. Tiffany Sapp, called to ministry at Holston Valley Unitarian Universalist Church beginning Aug. 1, 2021

Rev. Tiffany first felt the call to ministry as a youth and followed a beautiful, difficult, joyful, inspired path to join us in ministry now. She served as an intern minister at HVUUC in the 2018-19 church year, and she served pastoral training and residencies at the James H. Quillen Veterans Administration Medical Center and the Johnson City Medical Center.

Rev. Tiffany’s spiritual journey has led from her roots in the United Methodist Church through pagan spirituality to a fully integrated Unitarian Universalist identity. She is passionate about pastoral care and interfaith work and currently is treasurer for the Northeast Tennessee United Religions Initiative Cooperation Circle.

When asked what ministry she hopes is ahead of her, Rev. Tiffany replied, “Now more than ever, our world needs Unitarian Universalism. We need communities committed to justice, equity, and compassion. Congregations where our people can be cared for, educated and inspired, so that they can then go and do the work that will transform this world for the better.”

Entering ministry with a church now is different than at any other time in history, and Rev. Tiffany is up for the challenge. “Whether we are connected virtually or in person,” she says, “I will support this congregation as it builds and strengthens its community through pastoral care, inspirational worship, and leadership that lifts up HVUUC’s vision and mission.”

Rev. Tiffany is prepared and excited to walk with our congregation into the future. She says, “Ministry is something that we do together, it isn't the sole realm of the minister.

The search committee and Rev. Tiffany: David Kashdan, Brittany Butler, Sarah Sanders, Cindi Huss, Rev. Tiffany Sapp, Dottie Blades (chair), Denee Mattioli

The search committee and Rev. Tiffany: David Kashdan, Brittany Butler, Sarah Sanders, Cindi Huss, Rev. Tiffany Sapp, Dottie Blades (chair), Denee Mattioli

“My main ministerial role is educating, mentoring, and inspiring the congregation so that they can go do their work of transforming themselves and the world for the better. One of the best tools for this is faith formation: Helping us deepen our understanding of what it means to be Unitarian Universalist and strengthen our commitment to living that out.

“In partnership, we engage with each other to understand our covenant, how we relate to each other and the world, and we develop our vision for our shared ministry. We ask ourselves ‘how do we best use our resources to build Beloved Community both within this congregation and in the wider world?’”

One of Rev. Tiffany's goals for her first year of ministry is to have pastoral care visits with every person in the congregation who wants one, saying "We're a diverse group, and I want to hear from each of you about what gives your life meaning and supports you through the hard times.  I look forward to hearing your stories and learning how I can support you!"

Please celebrate with us as we step into our shared ministry!