What is going on in Religious Education?


Even while we are continuing to be physically distant through this pandemic, we are working hard to offer ways to connect. And, it's exciting!

Our Youth Group is busy! This October we are thrilled to kick off a chance for our youth to play Dungeons and Dragons. This is an excellent way for youth to connect with each other. Players rely on each character’s unique skills and interests to create an epic story and explore ethics and values while adventuring in a fantasy realm. In the campaign Sarah S. is running, players explore ruins, solve puzzles, and defeat monsters.

In addition, we will offer a couple of get-togethers for all youth, probably involving food and games or baking or crafts or outdoor fun.

In November Religious Education and Rev. Tiffany will be offering an outdoor Holiday ornament activity at Eastman Pavilions. This will be a great way for our unvaccinated children to gather together for fellowship in an outdoor space.

We hope that we see you all at Grand Oak Farm on October 23rd! Religious Education will be providing trick or treat bags and staffing the photo booth. Wear your best costume and register your pod here: https://forms.gle/E4mgG8w95V2pxkPPA

Please e mail Sarah at DRE@HVUUC.ORG with any questions