Search Committee Update

The search committee received a list of quality applicants early in January. Currently they are reviewing ministerial records and interviewing top choices, and they will make offers to precandidates on January 23. The next step will be speaking with references and precandidating weekends, where select applicants preach at neutral pulpits and meet more extensively with the search committee as we all proceed in our process of discernment.

The congregation is curious about what is going on, and the search committee knows it is important to share our progress. Please remember, though, that the search committee has a covenantal duty of confidentiality, so we cannot share anything more. Please respect these boundaries, which protect the reputation of our congregation and of ministerial applicants.

The search committee is grateful to the ministers who have expressed an interest in serving with us and to members and friends of HVUUC who helped us develop a well-rounded snapshot of our congregation.