COVID-19 Survey Results

A huge thank you to everyone who answered the COVID-19 Survey! You gave us valuable information about your health & safety concerns, as well as what fellowship opportunities you’d like to have offered. Church committees & the Board will use this input as they plan activities & make decisions in the future. Here are the results of our survey.

IMPORTANT NOTE: Many folks chose to submit their survey anonymously, which is perfectly fine. If, however, you indicated you would be willing to help with maintenance projects (either yes or maybe), it would be helpful to know who you are so you can be contacted when a project arises. Or if you indicated you would prefer NOT to talk with someone from the church on the telephone, giving us your name will facilitate that. If either of these cases applies to you (or if you’ve just thought of something else you want us to know), please send a quick email to telling us your name & the situation. [For example, “Louis - maintenance” or “Ogden - no calls please”]

Thanks again!  
--Pandemic Task Force


1. As conditions permit us to consider returning to church in person, which best describes your attitude toward attending Sunday service at church? (select one)
RESPONSES (Total 73)
I will return the first opportunity we have.  5
I will return at the first opportunity but with some concerns & precautions. 14
I will wait several additional weeks before I attend. 10
It may be quite awhile before I feel it is safe to return. 37
Not sure. 7

2. With the understanding that extreme social distancing measures are required in order to open the church, what precautions, if any, are you willing to take when you return to church? (select all that apply)
RESPONSES (Total 71)
I will wear a face mask. 71
I will agree to touchless temperature taking before entering the building. 71
I will wash my hands or use hand sanitizer upon entering the building. 71
I will stand & sit in places where I will be at least 6 feet from others (families sit together). 70
I will avoid shaking hands. 71
I will avoid any physical contact. 70
I would be willing to make a reservation for a church service to make sure we can accommodate everyone. 61
None of these.    1

3. If offered, which of these options would you use? (select all that apply)
RESPONSES (Total 72)
Attend extremely social distanced Sunday service in sanctuary (viewing prerecorded service) 18
Attend “Drive-in” church (families stay in their cars in the HVUUC parking lot & listen to service on loudspeaker) 20
Watch online at home (what we’re already doing) 70
COMMENTS (Total 37)
-Sanctuary (x9)
-Drive in (x1)
-At Home (x20)
-It’s close, but watch on-line
-Isn’t there a way to connect to car radios? Drive-in but listen to service on radios.
-Online at home. Might do the Drive in once in awhile for a change, but less likely.
-No contact while virus is worsening.
-I would like both offered. (x2)
-NOT Drive-in.

4. Are you using or interested in HVUUC’s at Home technology resources? (select all that apply) Note: If you are not currently familiar with Zoom, there are instructions on our website at
RESPONSES (Total 73)
Sunday morning virtual church 66
Virtual Coffee Hour 31
Youth Religious Education (RE) at home (packets delivered biweekly) 16
Zoom Women’s Group gatherings 16
Zoom committee meetings 38
Zoom Games Night 12
None 3

5. If offered, which of these activities would you participate in? (select all that apply)
RESPONSES (Total 62)
Adult Religious Education (RE) via Zoom 20
Adult RE in person (group up to 10) 6
Youth RE in person (class up to 6) 2
Youth RE in person TEACHER 1
Youth RE at home (Do It Yourself packets) 12
Church picnic at a large farm. Families will have their own designated space. (We can see each other and chat...from a distance.) Bring your own chairs. Food could be catered (box meals) or bring your own. Games/entertainment will be tailored to social distancing. 28
Covenant group via Zoom 29
Covenant group in person (group up to 10) 12
Service Auction via Zoom 32
Service Auction in person (either outdoors or attendance limited to allow for social distancing) 13
Green Arts Fest as a VENDOR (spread out throughout building) 5
Green Arts Fest as a SHOPPER 16
Book Club (via Zoom) 18
Small Group social gatherings via Zoom (no theme, no agenda; just social) 25
Small Group social gatherings in person (essentially expanding your quarantine family.) The members of each group would ‘covenant’ or ‘promise’ each other that they will wear masks as mandated, sanitize hands frequently, and socially distance at work and in public, in order to be able to meet as a group like a family and not have to wear masks when together. 25

6. With our current opportunity to attend church services and classes limited, now is a great time to meet in small groups to repair and beautify our church home. Would you be interested in participating in any work projects for example: gardening, deck repair, trail maintenance, memorial wall cleaning?
RESPONSES (Total 73)
Yes 28
No 16
Maybe 29

7. We would love to see how everyone is doing and are considering a phone tree. Every so often someone would call you or send you a card/note just to chat and see if you need assistance, but mostly just to say hi! Would you (select all that apply):
RESPONSES (Total 58)
Like to visit with someone from church on the phone 30
Not like to visit with someone from church on the phone 20
Like to help make phone calls (Please put your name in question #10) 17
Like to help write “hello” cards/notes to church members (Please put your name in question #10) 19

8. What will make you feel safe enough to return to church? (select all that apply)
RESPONSES (Total 73)
the number of local coronavirus cases is very small 48
the number of local coronavirus cases has to be zero 15
most social distancing recommendations have been lifted 21
a vaccine must be widely available 40
none of these 0
Other (please specify) 10
COMMENTS (Total 10):
-Continued efforts of distancing, masks, etc for longer than recommended by politicians
-Temperature testing at the door, masks in place, sanitizing of the church space
-A bit uncertain. Not sure a Vaccine will be an option, we'll see.
-really not sure yet
-Feel safe enough now with CDC measures in place at services
-Virus no longer increasing here
-The number of daily new cases is a meaningful metric to me.
-social distancing and masks in place
-Everyone covenants to abide by CDC guidelines
-the interventions described earlier in the survey would make me feel safe enough

9. What is your age?
RESPONSES (Total 73)
Under 18 0
18-24 0
25-34 5
35-44 8
45-54 10
55-64 11
65+ 39

10.  Please share any other thoughts, concerns, suggestions. Do you have any comments about the virtual services? How helpful are the DIY RE packets? Are there any other worship/fellowship opportunities you think we might be able to adapt to current restrictions? Do you need help setting up or using Zoom?  You may submit this confidentially if you like. However, please add your name here (optional) if you have indicated you want to help with maintenance projects, make phone calls or write cards/notes, if you need help with Zoom, or if you would like us to contact you to expand on any of your answers.
COMMENTS (Total 48) **note: several comments were individual names, asking a question or volunteering for an activity; those are not listed here.
- Before Doctor Fauci announced that this virus may never disappear, I had the same opinion. It only takes one infected person to start an epidemic. This country has an overabundance of recalcitrant rednecks that buy into the concept promulgated by the chief executive to remain willfully ignorant and ignore all rational and logical scientific evidence. The lives we have lived are over. We will not live again the way we used to live for a very, very long time.
- The virtual services are well done and much appreciated
- Please don’t call any millennials. Can some services be live via Zoom?
- would rather not do much with appreciate the offerings of Zoom, etc. for others that would like. Appreciate listening to Services after dark. Miss personal connections but priority for me is definitely keeping all well and safe. Special Thanks to all involved in making the Virtual happen in many ways.
- I look forward to "work day" opportunities at the church or church member homes (MACHO group).
-The RE kits are great for younger kids, but my teenager thinks they are a bit too old for the contents. I go to church to socialize and talk with friends. If wide social distancing and no Coffee Hour are part of the start up plan, I do not intend to come back for a bit, but will continue to watch online.
- re: work projects and picnic - being out in the hot sun isn't something that works for me. Early or late hours or a tent for shelter is required.
-The kids love the diy packets. You all are amazing!
- Given that we have a older, ailing adult in our household, I would be unlikely to attend until covid numbers are extremely low. Just not worth risking lives.
- With health issues (and not being a morning person) I'm really enjoying the ability to be part of the community without having to make my body get there.
- Due to multiple health issues, I will not be able to return to any group setting until there is a reliable vaccine. For folks like me I think that offering more covenant groups via Zoom would be a good substitute for not being able to participate in a congregate setting. I love the church and would like to still be able to participate and connect with others even if it must be in a virtual setting.
- If anyone from the congregation would want to contact me, it good be good to first be warned by a written message, as my telephone does not ring it the tel # is not in my contact list.
- Virtual services very good -never miss one. Feel the lack of information about the church and members - espe-cially about ministerial search.
- My largest concern is ensuring we include our most vulnerable folx when we reopen. If we reopen and get used to seeing folx, it is easy to forget how many we are not seeing. I would be reluctant to support a return to in-person church services until we can also welcome our children, our older adults, and our friends with com-promised immunity. That said, I strongly support creative ways to maintain connection with each other and would am already supporting some of those solutions. I would also love to see us do our first congregational read--maybe White Fragility by Robin DiAngelo or How to be an Anti-Racist by Ibram X. Kendi.
- Music is very important to me - I'm sad that choir will not be able to restart on the same schedule as all else.
- Resurrecting OOF (Outdoor Opportunities Fellowship) for hikes might be an option, with appropriate precautions such as small groups, distancing, and masking.