Search Committee Update

The search committee members have (virtually) trained and retreated, gotten access to MinistrySearch, developed their covenant (see below), rolled up their sleeves, and started their work.

In the next couple of months you might receive requests for updated information for the website or data for our congregational record. Everyone will have an opportunity to weigh in about the strengths and challenges we face as a congregation through both a survey and cottage meetings/focus groups. We will also have the privilege of participating in a “Beyond Categorical Thinking” workshop. The committee will make all these opportunities as accessible as possible and hope everyone will participate.

Stay tuned for updates!

Ministerial Search Committee Covenant

We covenant together to serve the mission of our church as we identify our next terrific, settled minister.

• We will represent our congregation and its members with forthright honesty, care, compassion, and respect.
• We will deeply value the dreams and aspirations of the congregation, both as a whole, and as individuals.
• We will cherish the unique gifts and perspectives we each bring.
• We will presume good faith and listen to each other fully and with care.
• We will conduct ourselves openly and honestly, and should disagreements arise, we will treat one another with respect and consideration.
• We will ask for support as needed individually, and/or collectively
• We will foster a spirit of creativity, vision, courage, patience and compassion
• We will honor the rules and timelines within the Settlement Handbook and guidance from the Transitions Office.
• We will treat candidates with respect and compassion
• We will maintain appropriate confidentiality throughout the search process with everyone.
• We will speak with one voice once decisions are made.

Agreed Aug. 2, 2020, by
Dottie Blades, chair
Brittany Butler
David Kashdan
Denee Mattioli
Cindi Huss
Sarah Sanders