5th Sunday Offering for Family Promise

As an update and a call for a 5th Sunday collection, the Social Justice Committee wants to share what is happening with Family Promise Network in Kingsport because it’s been a while since we have communicated with you about our involvement with this shelter program. 

The Family Promise staff is looking at the possibility of renting a few apartments to start the shelter program back until the churches can accept guests again. The families will still go to the day center as they would if they were in the churches. The location they are staying in is the only change.

Family Promise contacted us to ask if we are willing to assist with food during this time. The help can be in the form of taking food to the families or gift cards where the staff can purchase food for them. We would still follow the rotational schedule when the families would have generally been at  St Luke’s. 

After reviewing the results of our recent church survey and protecting congregants and the families in this program from COVID-19, we have decided that donating money (or gift cards) would be the more socially responsible thing to do. We have secured a coordinator from our church to work with an organizer at St Luke’s to provide food or money for food purchases.

Our current fund for Family Promise is almost exhausted and thus we are using our 5th Sunday offering to build up this fund so that we can continue helping Family Promise as we have for many years.

To Donate

Send a check to: HVUUC PO Box 8383 Gray, TN 37615. You can make the check out to HVUUC. Be sure to write Family Promise Network or FPN in the memo line.

Donate via Direct Deposit from your bank. Set this up with your bank for regular pledge payments or one time donations such as this. Read more here Direct Deposit Donations or contact treasurer@hvuuc.org

For Paypal or credit cards: Click the donate button below. A note stating it is for Family Promise Network must be included so that it's not considered a pledge payment.

Questions can be sent to socialjustice@hvuuc.org 

Thank you again for all you do for Family Promise and the families.