Search Committee Update!

Your search committee is busy working on ways to hear your hopes and dreams about our next minister and our congregation!

Congregational Survey - Help Determine Our Future!!!

Open no later than Sept. 1, runs through Sept. 10!

This confidential survey will help us develop a big picture of our congregation for our future minister—and for us! It is not short, but it is VERY important and we are aiming for at least 80% participation among members and friends 16 years of age and older. Please take time to make your voice heard—we could have this minister for a generation!

Kids Survey!!!

We want to make sure we hear from our children and youth as well, so we will be offering them the opportunity to fill out a survey of their own about what they value at our church. Stay tuned for details! Virtual Cottage Meetings/Listening Circles!!! Beginning in October the search committee will host a series of meetings in small groups to drill more deeply into our aspirations and challenges as a congregation.

Beyond Categorical Thinking Workshop!!!

This October or November the search committee is happy to host Beyond Categorical Thinking, dates TBD. Search committee members MUST attend, board members are strongly encouraged to attend, and the UUA encourages as much participation by the congregation as possible.

In this virtual workshop we will:

• Consider the hopes, expectations, and concerns we all have about a new minister.

• Learn more about the ministerial search process.

• Explore how thinking categorically about people sometimes interferes with choosing the best candidate.

We'll keep you posted! If you have any questions, just email