HVUUC Gathering Guidelines May 30 through July 31, 2020

Gathering Guidelines through August 31, 2020

The Board of Trustees (BoT) has voted to continue to hold virtual services and church-wide activities online through August 31, 2020. We are watching the Covid-19 cases in our area and will decide at our July BoT meeting about extending this decision through September. The following Gathering Guidelines for small groups at our facilities (inside and outside of buildings) apply.

Gathering Guidelines for Inside and Outside Church Facilities

We strongly recommend continuing to use online forums for small group/committee/team meetings. However, the HVUUC Board has voted to allow people on site for activities that must be held in person, e.g. work groups.

Only 1 group may meet at a time inside the church building. To schedule your meeting or workgroup and make sure other groups aren’t already scheduled, please contact Karyn at office@hvuuc.org to reserve your group on the church calendar. You can check the calendar to make sure there aren’t conflicts at: https://localendar.com/public/hvuuchurch

To locate the church calendar from the church website (hvuuc.org), go to the "News & Events" menu and select the 3rd item, "Church Calendar of Events and Meetings,” from the drop-down menu.

Additional Guidance

· No children’s activities allowed at this time.

· Please do not bring children to any activity happening at the church.

· Groups of 10 people and less

· No more than 1 meeting of 10 people or less inside the church building.

· No more than 10 people in any 1 area of the outside property for workdays. For example, the entrance garden.

· Whenever practical, work projects should be divided into small groups or individuals.

· The Fred Ball room (fellowship hall), sanctuary, and deck are the only meeting areas that are open for use. The REZ is still off limits for meetings.

· People doing work projects may enter other locations, but must maintain at least 6 feet of distance while inside.

· Must wear a face mask (please bring your own)

· When working alone outside a face mask is not required. Face masks are required when working in groups of 2 or more.

· Anyone in the building must wear a mask.

· Must wash hands with soap and water for 20 seconds upon entering buildings, or use hand sanitizer and let air dry. Hand sanitizer is in several locations (foyer, kitchen, REZ), to be used as needed.

· Continue keeping a distance of 6 feet between people of different households.

· This is especially for inside activities but should also be adhered to when outside as much as possible.

· Whenever possible do not share work tools. If sharing occurs, wipe down handles with disinfecting wipes before returning the tool.

· Meals should be sack or box lunches, no family style meals, ie pizza. No water coolers or other communal drinking, ie punch. Maintain 6 feet of distance during meals.

· If you are ill, have a fever/cough, are someone who is at increased risk, or traveled to endemic areas infected with COVID-19, please stay home and enjoy online content and fellowship.

· Must clean commonly touched hard surfaces like door handles, light switches, counter tops, metal surfaces (chair backs), etc., when finished.

· Please use the cleaning wipes and/or bleach solution and paper towels in the foyer, kitchen, and REZ for cleaning/disinfecting after each visit.

Online Sunday services (on YouTube) will continue during this time.

To schedule a Zoom Meeting

If your small group/committee/team would like to use Zoom, fill out the form here and on the website under the New & Events tab.
