Virtual Candles Cards

Even though we can’t be together, the Caring Team is here for you. Do you have a joy or concern to share? Do you need help? Send us a virtual Candles Card and let us know:

  • Your name, phone number, and email address.

  • What your joy, concern, or need is.

  • Whether you would like your joy or concern to be shared:

    • Only with the minister?

    • In the newsletter?

    • On the HVUUC website?

    • On the HVUUC Facebook page?

    • In Virtual Church on the HVUUC public YouTube Channel?

  • Whether you would you like a call from:

    • The Caring Team.

    • The minister.

To reach the Caring Team, simply email or call 423-466-6771.

We're all in this together.
