Message from the Nominating Committee

The self-isolation and postponement of church activities occurred in the middle of the Nominating Committee's search for the slate of nominees for the 2020-21 Board of Trustees and Nominating Committee. We have a few positions that we need to fill.

If you have been a member of the church for more than 60 days and would consider serving as Facilities Trustee or on the Nominating Committee OR if you have been a member for more than 2 years and would consider serving as Vice President, please email the Nominating Committee at

We will keep all correspondence confidential.

Abbreviated position descriptions below. If you would like to see the full descriptions, contact

Thank you for your consideration!

2020 Nominating Committee
Ann Livengood, Frank Shuler, Mike Frisch, Wanda Earp, Kim Ray

Abbreviated Position Descriptions:


• 2 year term
• responsible for safety, security, maintenance, and repairs of the churches buildings and grounds
• oversee contracted cleaning, pest control, security, and lawn services
• delegate as needed
• deal with insurance requirements, coverage, and claims
• good communication skills

Vice President:

• 3 year term (Vice President, President, Past President)
• prior leadership experience on HVUUC committee, task force, or Board
• works closely with President
• serves on Personnel Committee
• advocate for and facilitate leadership development in the church
• liaison for Social Justice Committee
• oversees Memorial Wall process

Nominating Committee:

• 2 year term
• help select board nominees
• need to have good knowledge of church membership
• must work confidentially
• only meets a few times between January and April