WETS-FM Spring 2021 Fund Drive

Visitors have told us that they heard our past underwriting messages on WETS-FM. Thank you to all who have made them possible. Due to Covid, we took a hiatus from underwriting, but would like to start again when we have our new minister in place.

We have been able to pay for several months of underwriting in past years because we bundled donations from members and friends of the church who normally donate to WETS

WETS started their Spring Fund Drive this past weekend. If you usually donate to WETS or plan on donating this year, consider allowing your donation help the church as well. We can continue to be an underwriter for programming which allows us to get our message out in the community. WETS gets 100% of the money, you still get the tax benefits, and HVUUC gets our name out in the community. You can help two great organizations!

If you would like to donate to WETS and help fund HVUUC underwriting, mail your check to the church (address below). Checks made out to HVUUC and please be sure to write “WETS” on the memo line.

Contact Ann L. (wets@hvuuc.org) if you have any questions.

Church mailing address:

PO Box 8383
Gray, TN 37615