Pledges, please!

You've heard presentations and pleas and testimonials. You know what HVUUC brings to your life, and you've weighed in on what is important to you at our church. And you know how we can make that happen--with PLEDGES!

If you have turned in your pledge already, thank you! If you haven't picked up your pledge card yet, it'll come to you via mail. If you haven't turned in your pledge yet remember there are many ways to proceed:

--Email Will Powell, stewardship trustee, at
--Talk to Will after church.
--Drop your pledge card in the offering bowl.
--Hand your pledge card to any member of the stewardship committee (Kim Chaffin, David Kashdan, Sarah Sanders, and Cindi Huss).

Fair warning: We will begin follow-up calls on March 8.

It's important to get as many pledges as possible as soon as possible so the board has the info it needs to draft a balanced budget in time for the annual meeting.

Thank you for helping steer us into the future, thank you for all you do to lift up our church community, and thanks so much for your pledge!