Hear Ye, Hear Ye: December 27th VIRTUAL Pancakes and Jam!

Our beloved community event, Pancakes and Jam, will go on, virtually! We can all make pancakes for ourselves on December 27th, and enjoy them from the comfort of home, while we watch our community of musicians - of all levels and ages - share their talents via a pre-recorded line up.
Start working on your musical contribution now. Deadline for submissions: by or before December 15th.

Anyone can submit a performance for the jam event, but they must fit within these guidelines:
• 1 act per person, though you can be in several group acts.
• Up to about 4 minute length.
• You must supply full and correct attribution of song/piece. e.g. the original composer(s)/songwriter(s).
• Please indicate how you/each in the group, wish to be credited (first name only, first name last initial, full name).
• "Homegrown quality": nothing polished or overly produced. Those who have edited or put together videos, or combined separate voices for choir and personal works are not available to help for this event, so we are looking for simple, homey, fun.
• The video compilation will be aired on December 27th for all to enjoy at home. It will be left up on YouTube for a short time to be determined. We wish for  those who may be a bit shy about having their work seen by anyone, forever, to feel some level of comfort.
• Ideally, your video should be oriented horizontally (landscape).
• Please consider safety and physical distancing guidelines: we encourage creativity among families and those in a safe 'pod.'
• Create an initial test video and assess volume. Listen at about ¾ volume: is it clear? It can be made softer but if too quiet, it cannot be made louder on the YouTube video.
• It is not mandatory but if you play an instrument, it is nice to see the instrument, as well as, your face in the video.

You can contact PancakesAndJam@hvuuc.org, and a location for uploading your video will be provided.  If you have questions, feel free to contact the provided email or contact Rosemary K.
Religious Services Committee