Last Chance to be Heard

If you were/are unable to attend a particular focus group about a personal identity or one of the cottage meetings, the Search Committee would still value your input.

  • Click a focus group/cottage meeting links below to go to a form about being a congregant with that identity.

  • Everyone can participate in a cottage meeting; if you attended in person, please do not fill out a form.

  • Please only fill out forms for focus groups that reflect your personal identity (there might be more than one), and only if you were/are unable to attend online.

  • Names are collected in order to track participation but will not be linked with your answers.

  • Please fill out and return these forms by midnight, Nov. 5, 2020.

Cottage meetings

Caring Team/Memorial Hospitality past and present

Congregants who ID as BIPOC

Congregants who ID as LGBTQ+

Congregants who ID as pagan

Congregants who ID as women

Congregants with disability or accessibility/mobility issues AND their carers

Guardians of children birth to 18 years

Presidents past and present

Youth 12-18 years old