If you were/are unable to attend a particular focus group about a personal identity or one of the cottage meetings, the Search Committee would still value your input.
Click a focus group/cottage meeting links below to go to a form about being a congregant with that identity.
Everyone can participate in a cottage meeting; if you attended in person, please do not fill out a form.
Please only fill out forms for focus groups that reflect your personal identity (there might be more than one), and only if you were/are unable to attend online.
Names are collected in order to track participation but will not be linked with your answers.
Please fill out and return these forms by midnight, Nov. 5, 2020.
Cottage meetings
Caring Team/Memorial Hospitality past and present
Congregants who ID as BIPOC
Congregants who ID as LGBTQ+
Congregants who ID as pagan
Congregants who ID as women
Congregants with disability or accessibility/mobility issues AND their carers
Guardians of children birth to 18 years
Presidents past and present
Youth 12-18 years old