Pen Pal Connection

My idea is to offer prompts to help inspire letters, cards, or art. But if paired Pen Pals want to write more frequently, then that should be encouraged!

Rough Outline:
Nov/Dec- What is your favorite thing about winter? What holidays do you celebrate? What are some of your favorite holiday memories?
Feb/March- How do you honor Black History Month? 30 Days of Love? Valentine's Day? Easter? Favorite comfort food?
May/June- What do you like about Spring? How was the school year? Summer plans? Favorite song?
Aug/Sept- What do you like about our church community? Did you get to travel? Favorite family memories? Stories about pets? 

I will need to collect the ages of children and the addresses for all Pen Pals. I AM SO EXCITED ABOUT THIS!

After Wednesday October 28th, I will ask for confirmation of participation from everyone I heard from and then pair folx up. It's not too late to join in this fun! Email me at DRE@HVUUC.ORG