Slate of Nominees for 2019-2020

The Nominating Committee presents the following board and nominating committee candidates for 2019-2020. Members of the congregation will vote on these candidates and the budget at our annual meeting on Sunday, April 28, 2019. Per our bylaws (see below) this slate is to be presented to the congregation 20 days prior to the meeting.

2019-2020 Board Members:

Past President: Spencer Conco

President: Larry Livengood

Vice President: Dana York

Secretary: William Kauffman

Stewardship Trustee: Will Powell

Programs Trustee: Wendy Hearl

Membership Trustee: Tish Kashdan (one-year term)

Nominating Committee Members:

Wanda Earp

Mike Frisch

Kim Ray

Those that have one year left of their two-year term:

Treasurer: Brad Helmer

Facilities Trustee: Bryan Kleske

Nominating Committee:

Ann Livengood (chairperson)

Frank Shuler

Article X from our bylaws

1. At each Annual Meeting, the Church will elect all Board Members with a single year term and at least two (2) new members of the Nominating Committee as needed. It will also fill other vacancies that have occurred during the current fiscal year. In even numbered years, the Church will also elect a Treasurer, a Trustee of Facilities, and a Trustee of Membership; in odd numbered years, a Secretary-Historian, a Trustee of Programs, and a Trustee of Stewardship.

2. The Nominating Committee will present to all members of the Church at least twenty (20) days in advance of the Annual Meeting one or more nominations for each position to be filled by election at that Meeting. The Nominating Committee will be expected to nominate either the current Vice-President or the current President for President unless prohibited by other provisions of the Bylaws. Additional nominations may be made from the floor of the Meeting provided that notice of the nominees has been given to the President at least ten (10) days in advance of the Annual Meeting; the President will give advance notice to the congregation of any proposed floor nominations. The consent of each nominee must have been obtained.

3. The Nominating Committee shall consist of five (5) members serving up to two (2) year terms. If more than three (3) are elected in a single year to fill vacancies, the fourth or fifth nominees will serve a one (1) year term. In the event that the chair is not named in the proposed slate, the Committee will then select its own chair. Members of the Nominating Committee may not be re-elected for a successive term.