The Board of Trustees have fielded a few questions regarding the Congregational Meeting this coming Sunday, so thought this would be a good chance to answer them.
Why are we meeting?
Our current bylaws state the the Nominating Committee and Board of Trustees are to appoint a 7 member Search Committee. The UUA recommends a congregational vote from Members nominated by Members. We need a vote to change our current bylaws to reflect the current guidelines.
What does the current bylaws say?
In the event of a vacancy in the position of Minister, a Search Committee shall be established for the purpose of identifying, screening, and bringing to the Church for consideration, candidates for the position of Minister. This committee will be comprised of seven (7) members of the Church, four (4) of whom will be appointed by the Nominating Committee and the remaining three (3) members appointed by the Board.
What would the change look like?
In the event of a vacancy in the position of Minister, a Search Committee shall be established for the purpose of identifying, screening, and bringing to the Church for consideration, candidates for the position of Minister. The congregation should follow the most recent UUA guidelines for the establishment of this committee.
How are the 7 members of the Search Committee appointed?
The top 4 vote-getters are asked to serve. The other 3 members are appointed by the BoT to assure the church is fully represented by the committee. This is per UUA guidelines. The Search Committee members are blinded to which route they were appointed.
How many members are needed for a quorum?
We need a 35% quorum, which means 45 Members are needed in attendance for the vote to occur.
What happens after the bylaws vote?
All members in attendance will obtain a ballot, and then indicate which 4 of the 12 nominees they would like to be on the Search Committee. When the ballot is filled out, it will be given to a Board of Trustees member to be counted/tallied.
How do I get to know the Members on the ballot?
Please go to the Members Area of our website to comb through the nominees at your leisure, or read the Biographies that are posted in the Fred Ball Room. If you need the password to the members area email
When will this take place?
December 8th, directly after the service has finished we will vote on the bylaws change. The ballots will then be handed out and members will have until the end of potluck to turn them in.
When will the results be announced?
The following week, December 15th, after the Festivals of Light service.
I hope this helps answer some of the questions that you have for the meeting this Sunday. Happy to answer more on Sunday.
Larry Livengood
President, Board of Trustees