Youth Group Schedule

We have youth group activities planned through January, 2019, so if you have youth who are 12 or older, please mark these on your calendar so they can join the fun!

September 16: Family Picnic
October 21: Games in the Dark
November 18: Food for Youth
December: No youth group
January: Sunday thru Monday lock-in followed by participation in one of the area Martin Luther King events.

We will determine at the lock-in what our Feb., March, and April events will be.

Other activities that will come up this year: Muffin fundraiser on 1st Sunday mornings and 4th Sunday luncheon fundraiser(s).

Youth group takes place on 3rd Sundays from 5-8 p.m. unless otherwise noted. Details on final times and locations will be available in the HVUUC Yuuth Gruup private Facebook page or by contacting