Sunday, August 12
9:30AM Children's Religious Education - Pollinators with Sue C. meet in the Fellowship Hall.
9:30AM Adult RE 1 - Meet in the Meditation hall, 2nd floor of the Religious Education building. This class is currently listening to lectures about Climate Change.
9:30AM Adult RE 2 - Current curriculum is Faith Like a River. Meet in the Emerson Room.
11:00AM Worship Service: "Report from General Assembly: The World We Could Know", Rev. Jeff Briere
Cindi Huss went to General Assembly this year. She will let us know what's goin' on in the larger Unitarian Universalist world.
Remember to bring Hunger in Your Neighborhood food donations!
12PM Potluck - Bring a dish to share and join us for our monthly potluck lunch.
Tuesday, August 14
6-9:00PM - Pagan Study Group and Bookclub
Wednesday, August 15
7:00PM Board of Trustees Meeting - Anyone who would like to attend the monthly board meetings is welcome to. We meet in the Thoreau room of the Religious Education building.