2018 Service Auction Saturday, November 17th
Silent Auction begins at 5:30PM Live Auction at 6:30PM
Submitting and viewing items will be done this year on our new auction website
The basic idea: a big party Saturday night for everyone, at which we all have a grand time: noshing on finger foods, mingling, ogling donations, laughing, and enjoying the evening. Amidst this merriment, we hold a silent and live auction where we sell the services donated by our peers. The money raised benefits the church. Childcare will be available from 5:30-10PM.
Not just a fundraiser, this is a great community-building experience that lasts the whole year.
Throughout the year there is continued fellowship and building of friendships via the hosting and attending of the auctioned services.
We need your auction items submitted! If you have any problems with the new website and need help email Karyn at auction@hvuuc.org