New Screens and Speakers in the Sanctuary


LCD Screens and upgraded speakers have been installed in the sanctuary.  

There are 2 LED 70 inch TV screens connected to a computer via wireless modems. A computer is used to generate the text images shown during the service and a remote for the computer is used to advance the slides. These are regular TV screens so movies can be run on these screens though any player that has an HDMI outlet. So we can have a movie nights!

The speakers are the real piece de resistance, by moving the speakers from above the dais we have given our musicians and singers the ability to spread out around dais and not have issues with noise feedback. Our previous speakers were prone to feedback and that is why volume at the church was kept low. We also purchased a 12 inch sub woofer for improved music and movie watching experience.

I hope the new audio and visual experience will help in the enjoyment of the church service. What we have received as a side bonus is more ways to have enhanced fellowship at the church of watching movies and music videos. I'm working on reducing glare when we have such wonderful sunny days during service.

If you have other comments please send them to Greg Kramer,