Green Arts Festival

It's getting to be that time of year again, gearing up for the holidays and preparing for the Green Arts Festival!  Please don't put Christmas decorations up until after Thanksgiving, but it is the right time to let me know if you're going to be participating in the Green Arts Festival, either as a vendor or if you would like an Open Mic spot.  The annual Green Arts Festival will be taking place immediately after the Festivals of Light service, always a popular event, on Sunday, December 3rd.   For those of you who aren't Makers, we will have a variety of handmade goods such as jewelry, crochet items, photography, art, and more to help you get your holiday shopping done while supporting local artists.

If you want a table, more information, or would like to perform some cozy winter music, please email me at and I will add you to my handy dandy spreadsheet!  Now, back to focusing on the Service Auction in November!