We are making a change to our news gathering and email delivery systems and need your help (and patience).
The address to which you are subscribed to the Yahoo Group will automatically be added to the new email digest.
· The Yahoo Group will be permanently disabled on November 13th. We’re dropping Yahoo Groups in favor of putting all of our communications on the website and social media channels, with an email digest replacing Yahoo.
· To get your information to the new email digest you will need to go through the News and Events forms on the website.
· Please start using the forms right away!
· People without a yahoo email currently can’t get our emails.
· The new forms will make it easier for people to share complete information about news and events to all our various communications outlets AND make life easier for Karyn, the office administrator, by ensuring she doesn't have to chase missing information. We want everything to be online for ease of access and to promote the church.
· Maybe most importantly, the visibility of your news or event is going to be MUCH higher.
· Items will need to be posted several days in advance, no more last minute sending.
· Deliverability: in testing we’ve seen emails go to the Promotions tab in Gmail. It’s also possible emails may initially go to your junk/spam folder.
· It’s a change from the status quo. That can be hard for everyone, but we think it will be worth it!
Please email with questions. office@hvuuc.org