Upcoming Worship Services
Worship services are at 11:00 a.m. Our minister is in the pulpit three Sundays a month, and other Sundays guest speakers or members of the congregation lead the service, yielding diversity in the worship services.
Virtual Services
During Covid we adapted by offering online virtual services on our Youtube Channel. We are happy to be back in-person now but will continue to offer this virtual option for those that cannot be with us. Videos are uploaded to Youtube by the end of the day each Sunday.
Upcoming Sermons
Many know and love the poetry of Persian mystic Rumi, but most of our experiences of Rumi's poetry come from translations that separate his poetry from his Muslim identity. This week we get to know the real Rumi, and see what he has to teach us.
Every day, we strive to recognize and empower the trans community, both here and abroad. This Sunday, we will strengthen that deliberate effort by once again celebrating Transgender Day of Visibility. All are welcome in this intentionally inclusive space, and all are invited to commune with our trans friends as they bring their knowledge and talents, their history and experience, their journeys and lessons to this service.
Compassion, empathy, kindness and love. These things are the foundation of what we do. This Sunday Rev. Tiffany explores stories that invite us to activate our empathy.
Jeremy Bentham's panopticon has handed us a surprisingly relevant concept for understanding how social media is increasing our self-consciousness to an oppressive degree. Rev. Tiffany explores how we are using technology as a weapon against ourselves, and makes some suggestions about healthy boundaries we can set with ourselves.
An Easter celebration highlighting the diverse perspectives present within Holston Valley Unitarian Universalist Church. This member-led service offers us an opportunity to hear about Easter, past and present, from four of our members.
Flower Communion is our annual celebration of community through flowers. Everyone brings a flower to share, everyone leaves with a different flower as a symbol of the ways we learn from each other and transform together. Bring a flower to share.