Upcoming Worship Services
Worship services are at 11:00 a.m. Our minister is in the pulpit three Sundays a month, and other Sundays guest speakers or members of the congregation lead the service, yielding diversity in the worship services.
Virtual Services
During Covid we adapted by offering online virtual services on our Youtube Channel. We are happy to be back in-person now but will continue to offer this virtual option for those that cannot be with us. Videos are uploaded to Youtube by the end of the day each Sunday.
Upcoming Sermons
Part of HVUUC's Vision statement is that we "transform ourselves, our community and our world," but how do we do this? This Sunday Rev. Tiffany shares her personal story of how she has engaged with the Buddhist Metta meditation for over a decade now and how she has experienced this practice's transformative power in her life.
This time of year there's a lot of opportunities to sit at the table with people we may not agree with. This is true of both church life and family life, and both can be challenging. But both can also bring opportunities to grow: sometimes by opening us up to a new perspective, sometimes by challenging us to understand where our boundaries are. Come explore with Rev. Tiffany what it means to sit at a diverse table.
A beloved celebration of many traditions around this time of year from many faiths.
Warmth in a cold world, light in a dark space - what do these mean to our species, our society, our community, and ourselves? What do these teach us literally and metaphorically? How can the physical flame inform us about altruism in rebellious acts? And why should we continue to carry these torches and fan these flames? Join us with local church member Alesha Chaffin to ponder the gift of fire granted from the gods as we explore the question: What Does It Mean To Be Promethean?
Our beloved New Years tradition returns! A group of our HVUUC men and others volunteer to cook a pancake breakfast with common breakfast sides. Alongside the eating, is an informal show of talent, and if musicians choose, it wraps up in an on-the-spot jam session.