Getting Involved

There is no community without people. It’s good to be here for ourselves. It’s also important to be here for each other.
— beloved, long-time HVUUC friend

Holston Valley Unitarian Universalist Church welcomes all who come in the spirit of love and mutual respect.

One of the best ways to get to know people at HVUUC is to attend a religious education class, social event, small group ministry, worship service, or social justice project. No matter what your availability, interest, ability, or budget, there are ways you can contribute to this community and many ways this community can support and affirm you!

And remember, life happens to all of us. Whenever you need to pull back to attend to life’s happenings, know we are here to support you as needed, to step in, to lift up, and whenever you are ready to come back we are ready to welcome you. Through it all you are still a beloved part of this community.

Lesson for All Ages during a worship service.

Lesson for All Ages during a worship service.

Main building and the REZ (top left)

Main building and the REZ (top left)

Committees and Teams

We welcome folx to participate in the many committees and teams that do the work of the church.

  • Caring Team — works with the minister to provide pastoral care to members and friends.

  • CommSquad — works with the minister and various committees to publicize events within and outside the church

Seasonal work day coordinated by Facilities Trustee.

Seasonal work day coordinated by Facilities Trustee.

  • Facilities Maintenance — congregants work with the facilities trustee to maintain the church facilities and grounds.

  • Greeting Team — members greet congregants at the door as they arrive for weekly worship services.

  • Grocery Cards Team — members help manage grocery card sales to congregants.

  • Membership Committee — works with the membership trustee to welcome visitors and ingather new members.

  • Memorial Services Committee — works with the Caring Team to host memorial services on the spur of the moment.

  • Music Committee — works with the music programs director and congregational musicians to develop music for weekly worship services.

  • Religious Education Collaborative — works with the director of religious education to oversee the lifespan religious education program.

  • Religious Services Committee — works with the minister and the music committee to develop weekly worship services.

HVUUC at TriPride

HVUUC at TriPride

  • Social Justice Committee — The social justice committee supports initiatives and their leaders, does publicity, provides workshops, connects people with others who have similar concerns and interests, and encourages congregants to develop initiatives that are meaningful to them.

  • Stewardship Committee — works with the stewardship trustee to develop and administer the annual pledge drive.


Other Special Events

These are great events to attend, and organizers always are looking for volunteers to help make them happen as well.

  • Annual Service Auction — the main fundraiser of our church year, volunteers help solicit donations, set up, run, break down, and follow up.

  • Green Arts Festival — annual craft fair usually held in conjunction with the Festivals of Light service. Volunteer needed to coordinate, artists and crafters needed to vend. Supports local artists and crafters as well as green initiatives at HVUUC.

  • Pancakes with Jam — annual fellowship service on the Sunday between Christmas and New Year’s. MACHO provides food, congregants provide musical entertainment, some people attend in pajamas.

  • Soapbox Sunday — annually, usually on the Sunday closest to Independence Day, congregants share their perspective on an issue that is near and dear to them.