If the Grinch had been Raises Unitarian Universalist

If the Grinch had been Raises Unitarian Universalist

Join us for church on December 17, 2023 and stay after for coffee hour!

  • 9:30 Religious Education

  • 11:00am Sunday Service

  • 12:00pm Coffee Hour

If the Grinch Had Been Raised a UU

The Grinch started out with poor values. He hated other creatures being happy. Everything had to conform to his desires. Would his values have been better with UU parenting and a UU religious education?

The Variety of Religious Experience

The Variety of Religious Experience

Join us for church on December 10, 2023 and stay after for coffee hour!

  • 9:30 Religious Education

  • 11:00am Sunday Service

  • 12:00pm Coffee Hour

  • 1:00pm Caroling

The Variety of Religious Experience

There's an odd demarcation in the 3rd and 4th Sources of Unitarian Universalism. The third names "wisdom from the world's religions" as a source of inspiration and ethical guidance, while the fourth names "Jewish and Christian teachings" specifically. It seems strange to separate those out. But when you look at Unitarian Universalist history, it makes a certain kind of sense. And it challenges us with an important question, "Are we truly a post-Christian religion?"

Radon Information

Radon Information

In August of this year, a congregant had testing for Radon completed in the basement of the church. It was found to have a Radon level of 5.4 pCi/L.  Subsequent testing found 3.6 pCi/L. Remediation is generally advised if the long-term level is above 4.0 pCi/L in homes. Tish Kashdan, Vice President, called the Radon Hotline with our radon numbers and the exposure times. They suggested we do a long exposure test but that since the exposure duration is short and Radon levels are relatively low, exposure is not great enough to be a problem.

Click through for the full article.

Update on the Giving Tree Project

Update on the Giving Tree Project

The Giving Tree is Back!

Join the Social Justice Committee in restocking and supplying gifts for “The Giving Tree” in Kings Common park in Johnson City. The HVUUC Giving Tree has items on it for those in our community who are in need. We will be restocking the tree until January 7. If you would like to be involved with restocking the tree, please contact givingtree@hvuuc.org.

The collection box is in the Fred Ball Room.

Items needed (new please):

  • caps

  • gloves

  • scarves

  • underwear

  • socks (all sizes)

  • men and women’s hygiene products

Please leave items unwrapped. You may put items in clear ziplock type bags (this helps) or leave them in the box unpackaged.

Also, monetary donations are also accepted. Please put money or check in an envelope in the box. One of our elves will happily do the shopping for you.

If you know of a business or group that would like to donate, please have them contact us at givingtree@hvuuc.org

The Sound of Silence - NO RE This Week

The Sound of Silence - NO RE This Week

Join us for church on November 26, 2023 and stay after for choir practice!

  • 11:00am Sunday Service

  • 12:10pm Choir Rehearsal

The Sound of Silence

Guest Speaker from our own congregation, Steven Roberts, will share a brief history and lyrical explanation. The service will include a few video presentations, a Quaker style contemplation and an in-service HVUUC discussion time. In Steve's own words "Guaranteed not boring!"

The State of History Education in the United States

The State of History Education in the United States

Join us for church on November 19, 2023 and stay after for coffee hour and choir practice!

  • 9:30am Religious Education

  • 11:00am Sunday Service

  • 12:00pm Coffee Hour

  • 12:10pm Choir Rehearsal

The State of History Education in the United States

History education has been a contentious topic recently. Having taught history for a few years, and having spent two weeks with history teachers across the nation, Bradley has some thoughts to share on how our country is choosing to teach our past.

Wednesday Night Supper November 2023

Wednesday Night Supper November 2023

Wednesday night supper for November is a post-Thanksgiving healthy feast.

Join us on Nov 29th at 6:00PM. Be sure to make your reservation by Sunday, the 26th.

All are welcome for this time of simple fellowship and good food.


  • $15 for two

  • $8 for one

  • $5 for children under 12

Cash only please.

Reservations are REQUIRED.-by Sunday, Nov. 26th.

Email WNS@HVUUC.org or sign up on the sheet in the Fellowship Hall.

No YouTube Service, Sunday November 19

No YouTube Service, Sunday November 19

On a rare occasion we have the opportunity to hear a guest speaker that cannot be recorded and posted on YouTube. We try to keep this to a minimum because we really value our Members and Friends who cannot be with us in person, but occasionally we have a very good reason to make that choice.

This coming Sunday, November 19th, will be one of those Sundays.

We would like to propose that our Members and Friends who cannot make it to the in-person service on Sunday, November 19th use this Sunday as an opportunity to make a virtual visit to another Unitarian Universalist Congregation. Here are a few congregations that Rev. Tiffany can personally recommend for this exploration, along with their YouTube links:

The Unitarian Congregation in Baton Rouge: https://www.youtube.com/@UnitarianBR/streams

Unitarian Universalist Congregation of Rockville: https://www.youtube.com/@UUCRockville/videos

Unitarian Universalist Church of Augusta: https://www.youtube.com/@uucamedia/videos

If you're able to be with us in-person on November 19th, we hope you come be with us in-person. But if you're not, we hope you'll enjoy the offering of your choice from one of these congregation instead!