We embrace diversity within the congregation’s membership and in theology. We are committed to being a vital and growing progressive congregation within our larger community. And we promote spiritual growth, religious freedom, and ethical action.
We hope you will visit our church. Our worship services are at 11:00am; children’s and adult religious education classes are at 9:30am.
Sunday Schedule
9:30 a.m. Religious Education Classes
11:00 a.m. Sunday Worship Service
12:00 p.m. Coffee Hour
Past Services: HVUUC YouTube
Upcoming Services (Sundays @ 11 a.m.)
What do Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King and King John Sigusmund of Transylvania have to teach us about the intersection of politics and religion? Join Rev. Tiffany for this exploration of two important historical figures, how they impacted both Unitarian Universalism and the wider world.
Our annual Social Justice Sunday this year will focus on a couple groups that have been assisting victims of Hurricane Helene damage in our region. Artie Davis will tell us about outreach from the Tri-Cities Mutual Aid Network, and Kristina Rowles will talk about the work of the Appalachian Service Project. Join us to learn more about these organizations and how we can strive to help our community in trying times.
Across the sea, in an island of green, the figure of Brigid looms large. Is she a Goddess? Is she a Saint? What would it mean to be both? And what can that teach us about our Pluralism?
Murmurations of starlings, schools of fish, and humans gathered at a silent disco all give the appearance of moving to an unseen beat or current. What can we learn about how we build community, from observing these trends?
Parable of the Two Monks and The Maiden (at the River).
Join us for church on January 19, 2024!
9:30am Religious Education
11:00am Sunday Service
12:00pm Coffee Hour
4:00pm Youth Group
“A Tale of Two Kings: Politics and Religion”
What do Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King and King John Sigusmund of Transylvania have to teach us about the intersection of politics and religion? Join Rev. Tiffany for this exploration of two important historical figures, how they impacted both Unitarian Universalism and the wider world.
Upcoming News and Events
Click through for a collection of upcoming news and events at HVUUC. Click the images to be directed to more information.
There are so many opportunities for celebrating Martin Luther King Day in Johnson City!
We are especially excited about participating once again in the Peace Walk that begins at the Carver Center in Johnson City at 1pm on January 20th. We hope to see you there!
Click through for more details about MLK Day Events.
Sunday morning your Minister, Board President, and Facilities representative will assess whether we feel it is safe to have church open or not. IF we decide to close church, you can find out about the closure in two ways:
-Our Facebook Page
-In the text of our Home Page at www.hvuuc.org
We are unable to share this timely information via ENews when it happens because of a delay built into our ENews system. So please monitor these other sources of information on Sunday morning.
If church is cancelled we will post an abbreviated version of the church service to YouTube by Sunday night, you can access our YouTube channel here: https://www.youtube.com/c/HolstonValleyUnitarianUniversalistChurch/featured
Join us for church on January 12, 2024!
9:30am Religious Education
11:00am Sunday Service
12:00pm Potluck
“The Power of Personal Precepts”
How do we make principled decisions? Can we create a solid foundation so that we can go beyond reactions and triggers and live the life we want to live? Today Rev. Tiffany explores how Systems Theory approaches to life and community can help us in navigating the big questions of life.
We are watching the weather and want to inform you about how you can find out IF church is cancelled on Sunday morning. Read on for more detail!
Sunday morning your Minister, Board President, and Facilities representative will assess whether we feel it is safe to have church open or not. IF we decide to close church, you can find out about the closure in two ways:
-Our Facebook Page
-In the text of our Home Page at www.hvuuc.org
We are unable to share this timely information via ENews when it happens because of a delay built into our ENews system. So please monitor these other sources of information on Sunday morning.
If church is cancelled we will post an abbreviated version of the church service to YouTube by Sunday night, you can access our YouTube channel here:
We’ve had several reports recently of HVUUC emails ending up in spam folders. If you’re missing communication from us please check your spam folder and mark HVUUC as a a safe sender.
Interested in learning and discussing Unitarian Universalist history?
George Cross and Bryan Kleske are facilitating a Small Covenant Group, starting on
February 4th, and meet on 1st and 3rd Tuesdays through April for a total of six meetings.
The first meeting will be at HVUUC. We will discuss further meeting format to possibly include
an in person and zoom combo.
We will be watching Long Strange Trip, a six-part video series by Ron Cordes, that explores
the history of Unitarian and Universalist thought and practice from the early, liberal strands
in faith at the beginning of the Christian era to what we know today as Unitarian Universalism.
The video parts will be emailed out for viewing prior to the planned 2 hour meetings.
Only 8 spots are available so email uuhistory@hvuuc.org to claim your spot before the class fills up!
HVUUC will be hosting Comprehensive Sexuality Education for 3-5 graders beginning in January during normal RE hours. The program will begin with a Guardian Orientation on Sunday, January 12, from 9:30 - 10:45 AM in the Meditation Hall of the REZ. Subsequent workshops will begin on January 26 from 9:30 - 10:45 am. Please see the registration page for more information and full details and schedule. Registration is free and we are limited to 15 spaces so please sign up as soon as possible.
Please follow the link to the registration page: https://hvuuc-3.betterworld.org/events/our-whole-lives-sexuality-educat
If you have questions or would like more information please reach out to our DRE, Justin Ridley dre@hvuuc.org
Upcoming News and Events
Click through for a collection of upcoming news and events at HVUUC. Click the images to be directed to more information.
Please bring drums and noisemakers to share at Fire Communion this Sunday, January 5th! Towards the end of the service there will be a drum circle and we want everyone to be a part of the joyous noise. Bring hand drums (djembes, bongos, congas, frame drums, etc.), noisemakers (shakers, tambourines, etc.) and anything else you would like to share with the drum circle.
Join us for church on January 5, 2024!
9:30am Religious Education
11:00am Sunday Service
12:00pm Coffee Hour
“Fire Communion”
Begin the New Year by letting go of the old year! Fire Communion is a chance to contemplate what in your life you want to burn up and leave behind as we move into the new year. This clears the way for what is good and new in 2025. Come celebrate the possibilities with us!
Because of the holidays we are having our Fifth Sunday Offering on the First Sunday of January instead!
This quarter's recipient of the 5th Sunday Offering is RISE: Healthy for Life
RISE has its origins in our very own congregation's OWL program when members of this community were inspired by a vision of offering comprehensive, evidence-based sexuality education to the wider community here in East Tennessee. They work to change culture by educating and empowering youth as young as kindergarten through older adults. Truly comprehensive sex ed (CSE) leads to healthier, more respectful relationships, self-confidence, and more responsible decision-making.
If you wish to support RISE's work in the Tri-Cities, please make your donation in the white envelope that will be included in this Sunday's bulletin.
If you cannot attend on Sunday and still want to support their work, you can click on this link to donate directly to RISE: https://risehealthylife.betterworld.org/campaigns/support-our-work-today
Please bring drums and noisemakers to share at Fire Communion this Sunday, January 5th! Towards the end of the service there will be a drum circle and we want everyone to be a part of the joyous noise. Bring hand drums (djembes, bongos, congas, frame drums, etc.), noisemakers (shakers, tambourines, etc.) and anything else you would like to share with the drum circle.
Email musicdirector@hvuuc.org with any questions.
• Minister’s Note
• UU History
• Music Corner
• Photo Archiving Event
• Women’s Night
• Geology and Astronomy
Click here to read the entire newsletter.
Click here for past newsletters.
You can also find a few printed copies at our visitors table in the sanctuary.
Up to date church info is always available at www.hvuuc.org
Upcoming News and Events
Click through for a collection of upcoming news and events at HVUUC. Click the images to be directed to more information.
Just a reminder that scammers routinely try to impersonate staff to get sensitive info. If your receive a questionable email please report it to the office and be sure you only send emails to hvuuc addresses such as the ones listed below