Statement of Support of Reproductive Freedom and Sexual Health

On June 9, 2022, congregants at Holston Valley Unitarian Universalist Church attended a specially called Social Justice Call to Action meeting and overwhelmingly approved this Statement of Support of Reproductive Freedom and Sexual Health:

Holston Valley Unitarian Universalist Church affirms and promotes:

·         The wholeness and inherent worth and dignity of every person.

·         The freedom of all people to access the knowledge and support they need to make - and act on - informed decisions about their own bodies and healthcare.

·         Bodily autonomy.

Sexual and reproductive freedom is intrinsically linked with racial justice, economic justice, environmental justice, and LGBTQ+ justice. HVUUC works to actively and intentionally build a world in which all people make decisions about their own bodies and their own health in safe, just compassionate community. This includes:

·         Supporting every person’s freedom to begin, prevent, or terminate a pregnancy,

·         Promoting access to facts - and affirmation - around bodies, orientations, gender, and relationships.

·         Gender-equity and anti-oppression work.

HVUUC supports the right of conscious, non-violent civil disobedience, and the use of the democratic process to create a more just world.